Duty of each one of us

WE ALL are responsible for the future of our race, the future of our children, and the future of our planet.

WE ALL are responsible for creation of a “better world” for those who will come after us. None of us can escape this responsibility.

None of us believes that a “better world” is a world of perpetual wars, devastation, and related people’s suffering.

Slavery was a legal institution in the USA from the beginning of the nation in 1776 until the passage of the 13th amendment in 1865. Seeing the bulging eyes of black bodies hanging from the poplar trees was a part of life in 1939 when Billie Holiday recorded her iconic song “Strange Fruit”. One must conduct a rigorous search in order to find hard-core supporters of slavery in the USA today. What used to be a normal part of life, is unimaginable to us today.

Not to have separate entrances into bars and restaurants, separate sections on buses and trains for blacks and whites was considered an utopia until the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1968. The utopia of yesterday has become the norm of today.  

The same goes with our complacency towards our present war-based economy and society. Our children and their children will shake their heads in disbelief when looking back at our time, not being able to comprehend what kind of logic could possibly have enabled us to think that increasing military expenditures, developing more and more devastating weapons, and disseminating violence would lead to a “better world”.

Supporting and spreading a vision of society principled on nonviolence today is crucial to the existence of a nonviolent world of tomorrow. The duty of each one of us is to plant seeds which will enable those who come after us to reap the harvest of a world lacking in armed-violence-related suffering. 

The purpose of Angelmedia is to enable everyone to do this with ease. Everyone can contribute. If you cannot contribute financially, please contribute by volunteering. The contribution of each one of us is extremely important. Because together, we are in power. Contribute now!