

Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do.
— Steve Jobs

Welcome to a platform fostering transition to a world defined by the well-being of all–a new metric defining the success of each and every one of us, our human organization, and our ecosystem.


Throughout history, governed by the survival of the fittest, we, as the human race has molded the social system of which we are a part today. A society, in which:

  • 50% of its population lives in poverty with no hope, security and choices in life;
  • in which half of all human effort goes towards the preparation for and conduct of armed conflicts, with top public agencies being devoted to the planning, arranging, and carrying out of mass killing;
  • in which extreme inequality, ecological pillaging, and the existential threat of Mutually Assured Destruction are kept in place by 63 million men who are paid and trained to kill any one of us.

From the moment our race acquired the technological capacity to destroy all life, the universal law of the preservation and continuation of life prohibits us from organizing ourselves in traditional way–way which now endanger every form of life on Planet Earth.

Unfortunately, no amount of patching could ever make our system principled on extreme inequality and armed violence to become a system adoring a culture of peace and the well-being for all. We have a duty to set our societal structure on a diametrically different foundation.

We will fulfill this duty by “constructing a world where tolerance is a life style; Where social and political divergences and its resolutions would be seen as part of humanity; Where equality is possible in all its dimensions; Where knowledge and access to education and other social possessions would not be the privilege of a few; A world where violence in all its forms would be past history, where fear will not overwhelm us and where we shall be able to enjoy the goodness of existence.” –Rafaela vos Obeso

Is the creation a world of nonviolence and well-being for all realistically possible?

Human history is a history flush with social changes and discoveries. Things that we formerly perceived as being unimaginable and impossible have been transformed into reality through the moral and material support of those who had the courage to share in their successes and failures. The discovery of America, the abolition of slavery, the development of the light bulb, the creation of a global communications grid, and the placing of a man on the Moon serve as examples of mankind’s unlimited ingenuity. The establishment of a humane societal structure will follow the same pattern.

If you don’t believe in the Future, unreservedly and dreamingly, if you aren’t willing to bet that somebody will be there to cry when the Clock finally runs down, ten thousand years from now, then I don’t see how you can have children. –Michael Chabon


Angelmedia’s aim and purpose is to convince society to strive towards creating a world defined by permanent peace and the well-being for all, socially and ecologically – and to orchestrate transition to such a world.

A good analogy is the human body where 37.2 trillion cells of astounding diversity of form and function all collaborate to make human life possible. We are able to thrive because the well-being of our whole organism is the top priority of all our antagonistic parts.