The Anatomy of People Powered Campaigns

People bring power and value to campaigns with vision, collaboration, data and nimble action.

people-powered campaigns

Every campaign starts with a strong vision of where we want to go. Exceptional campaigns do more than tell a compelling story. They value every individual’s unique potential to achieve something greater than they ever could manage on their own, and they build collective power in the process.

These campaigns give people the information they need to inspire others, react quickly to changing times, avoid obstacles and seize opportunities.

Campaigners need a mix of these four ingredients to build successful people-powered campaigns:

Beating Heart


Supporters are the heroes of our campaigns, embarking on journeys that truly impact issues over time. Organizations play a strategic role in defining challenges and presenting clear theories of change, but the story of our campaigns is ultimately created and told by individuals—through the words, pictures, videos and actions that they share with their networks and the world to influence targets and grow campaigns. Therefore, our communications should consistently reflect our role as mentor, enabler and aggregator of supporters’ action.

Effective narratives are built to travel and are carried by people who validate our message using their own words and take them to places we could not reach directly or on our own.

Many Hands

Real Work

People-powered campaigns can only succeed with strategic contributions by individuals, activists and volunteers—online and offline—that shift the balance of power in our favor. These campaigns would literally be impossible to win with staff efforts alone. We embrace the notion that while staff contribute unique and essential expertise to campaigns, the collective skills and talents among millions of volunteers and supporters can be far greater. One of the most valuable roles staff can play is enabling and empowering activists and volunteers to contribute their greatest talents to create change.

Wide Eyes, Open Ears


We use all available data to make our campaigns smarter and to build better relationships with supporters, activists and new audiences. We determine what data we need to make decisions, and if it’s not being captured yet, we figure out how to get it. We analyze data in order to understand the best points of entry and trends for an online and/or public dialogue; to engage with supporters based on their complete histories and influence; to test our hypotheses; and to evaluate our performance.

Fast Feet


We run our campaigns at the speed of the internet—responding to real-world events as they occur, and adapting to changing times to meet people where they’re at. To do this, we embrace nimble, lightweight and low-friction structures and processes that enable talented staff to seize opportunities as they arise (and more quickly than our targets), supported by responsive, accountable management.

Successful people-powered campaigns emulating these four principles above are typically achieved through “integrated” mobilization teams or efforts—individuals coming together from a cross-section of skills, expertise or departments to plan and execute campaigns that put people at the center. For more, see the Mobilisation Integration Toolkit.

Source: MobLab

Calling Millennials & Social Innovators

Why does the world require change?

Because the current one is dysfunctional:

  • Goods have become more important than people. 
  • 50% of humans live on $2.50 a day. Endless studies speculate about profits, but there is little concern about harmonization of human needs.
  • Mankind spends 1.7 trillion dollars a year on millitaries in circumstances where every 5 seconds a child dies from hunger somewhere in the world. Less than 4 percent of military expenditures would lift all people in the world out of poverty. 
  • Permanent members of the Security Council which has the power of veto over all U.N. resolutions, are the world’s top weapons dealers.

Why now?

Mankind’s and earth’s problems have become everyone’s problems. There has never been more widespread yearning in the human heart for a kind, just and more equitable society than there is now. Millions of nonprofit and community groups, social enterprises, and citizens organizations have formed to work towards humanity’s betterment.

The advancements which the human race has made have been steady and plentiful. For the first time in our history, we know how to feed and clothe everyone, and how to give every human a chance at a dignified life. And, for the first time, we have technologies which allow us to communicate and understand one another around the globe. Every moment in our history has led up to this moment. We were chosen to make a major leap in mankind’s history: To uplift the human race to the next plateau of its evolution absent of humanitarian, environmental, and spiritual sorrows.

“We are privileged to have the opportunity … to build a world characterized by economic, political, and social justice for all human beings and a culture worthy of man’s intelligence.”

Linus Pauling

Who can help?

To create a world of permanent peace and well-being for all and for our planet is our ultimate challenge. The greatest human power is to stand face to face with a challenge, then solve it without violence. By accepting this challenge with your full presence and power, you refuse to play small, setting yourself apart from the mediocre. Through this, you define who you are.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

A life lived with purpose gives you a voice …

If there is one thing we are all called to do, it is to make this world a better place for ourselves and for those who will come after us. To live life with a purpose higher than to party and make money, is of utmost importance. The most motivating place from which to execute this calling is from our passions, backed by a clear direction. The purpose of making a difference in the world gives you a sense of maturity and responsibility. When you proclaim, “I’m going to make the world a better place!” your voice will be heard.

… and gives you confidence.

Having a grand purpose changes your approach to life. As you proclaim, “I’m going to change the world”, your face flushes and chills run down your spine. You start playing the game of life differently, because now you know that your actions are going to make a difference in the lives of others. Your confidence begins to grow. You realize that your social actions are important and you, as a human being, are extraordinary — and you are correct on both points.

… and motivates you.

Motivation does not come easily without Tony Robbins pressing you to get in gear and do 100 more push-ups followed by 50 affirmations. Powerful ideas unlock hidden energies. Being bold is itself motivating. Every time you say to yourself, “I’m making the world a better place,” you unlock your own innate motivation. Motivation is contagious. As you become motivated, so do those around you. 

… and attracts others.

Being bold requires you to take action. Big vision and social actions attract social innovators. By partnering with others, you find the resources and the knowledge you initially lack.

“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.”

Thomas Jefferson

… and makes people listen.

When you’re bold, people listen. When you don’t sound like everyone else, you capture people’s attention. But, boldness needs to be backed up with a plan. Making life more equitable, fair and kind is a plan that everyone is interested in.

… and it’s exciting.

Don’t let critics rob you of the benefits you receive when you decide to be bold. Remember, everything new passes through five stages – indifference, ridicule, abuse, repression and finally, respect – turning your critics into your raving fans.

Having a purpose and a vision is exciting. When we are excited about what we do, we focus on the positives rather than the negatives. We seek solutions, such as a social action which brings results. A life with purpose helps you live with positive feelings which change the way you behave.

… and creates value.

People innately ask, “What’s in it for me?” Your offer is good as long as it helps others. When you offer someone something of value, they take notice. A life with purpose enables you to give a gift of hope for a better future to your fellow earth mates. Give that value thoughtfully and freely, and everything you need comes to you.

“Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.”

Luke 6:38

… and helps humanity.

The world yearns for social actions which will restore goodness of life, brotherhood of man, and care for our planet. We are extremely privileged to have the opportunity to help humanity make a major leap in its evolution – a transformation from a world driven by violence and inequality into one that is principled on a culture of peace and well-being for all, including our planet. 

At Angelmedia, we challenge ourselves to think through how social projects proposed by changemakers can benefit humanity. And how our Sponsorship can make it happen. But a peaceful, more equitable and kind world is a result of collective action which requires the involvement of all of us, especially the Millennial generation. Please help us to keep the light pointing in this direction by lending your support to social innovators and their social actions. If you cannot contribute by volunteering, please contribute financially.