
We all profit when mankind succeeds.

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Tax-deductible receipts
Our members are not interested in prolonging humanity’s suffering and extending the risk of an accidental or intentional nuclear holocaust by merely patching over our war-and-extreme-inequality-principled social system, as charities are limited to doing. That’s why Angelmedia Peacebuilders Association is a registered nonprofit organization, and is not a registered charity. Not being a charity, Angelmedia cannot issue tax-exempt receipts.

Payment Fees
The convenient PayPal button works with or without a PayPal account, but it costs 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. You can skip Payment Fees by logging into your PayPal account and sending funds directly to us at, funded by your bank or PayPal balance (not by credit card or PayPal credit), and marked as a gift.

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